CDE Announcements Archive


Upcoming CIP Events (sent March 4, 2025)

2024–25 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Title II: Adult Education Family Literacy Act (AEFLA)

Dear Adult Education Administrators:

We understand that many of you are diligently working on your Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP). As a friendly reminder, the CIP is due on April 30, 2025. Outreach and Technical Assistance Network (OTAN) is offering several upcoming professional development opportunities to support your efforts.

Upcoming Events

  • CIP for Small Agencies:
    March 17, 2025, at 1 p.m.

  • CIP Office Hours from OTAN:

    March 20, 2025, at Noon

    March 31, 2025, at Noon

    April 7, 2025, at Noon

    April 14, 2025, at Noon

Secure your spot in one of for these live events through the Professional Development Calendar. Additionally, there are recorded webinars available through the CIP Home page on the Reporting Site for your convenience.

If you have any questions, please contact the Adult Education Office at 916-322-2175, or by email at


Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D.
Education Administrator and State Director
Adult Education Office
California Department of Education


Second Quarter Deliverables are due Friday (sent January 28, 2025)

2024–25 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Title II: Adult Education Family Literacy Act (AEFLA)

Dear Adult Educator:

California continues to face challenges with weather, fire, and other demanding situations. The Adult Education Office (AEO) remains committed to providing support and assistance through the long journey of fire recovery for both administrators, students, and their families. We encourage impacted agencies to reach out to us for assistance navigating the road ahead, or with identifying resources and support that may be needed.

This message includes the following topics:

  • 2025–26 Program Year Inquiry
  • Second Quarter Deliverables
  • March 31 Deliverables; IELCE Report and Plan
  • ECR Help Desk
  • Continuous Improvement Plan
  • Grant Award Amendments
  • Occupational Information Network (O*NET) Project
  • Financial Literacy Webinar for Adult Educators
  • Steps to College

2025–26 Program Year Inquiry

The 2025–26 Program Year Inquiry is due Friday, January 31, 2025. Access this one-time inquiry from the Survey web page of the reporting site. The estimated time to complete this inquiry is less than five minutes.

It is recommended that the Program Year Inquiry be completed by your agency’s Adult Education Director. We appreciate all the responses received to date as this information helps us with planning. Failure to respond timely could result in a delayed ability to spend funds for next year until an amendment is processed.

Second Quarter Deliverables

Expenditure Claim Reports (ECR) for the second quarter are due to the California Department of Education by Friday, January 31, 2025.

All second quarter data deliverables, surveys, and training are also due Friday, January 31, 2025. For further information, please visit the WIOA, Title II: AEFLA Grant Information 2024–25 web page.

March 31 Deliverables; IELCE Report and Plan

Three deliverables are due March 31, 2025, including the Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE) Report and Plan, which has an earlier due date this year, and the Program Implementation Survey.

Additionally, March 31, 2025, is the last day for K–12 and County Offices of Education to submit Course Approvals Revisions for Program Year (PY) 2024–25.

For further information, please visit the WIOA, Title II: AEFLA Grant Information 2024–25 web page.

ECR Help Desk

The final ECR Help Desk for this quarter will be held on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. The focus of the Help Desk is to answer questions that may impede the completion of a claim or to aid with the ECR application within the reporting site. The ECR Help Desk will close at 1:30 p.m. or earlier if all ECR-related questions have been answered.

Continuous Improvement Plan

Online resources continue to be added for the Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) which is due Wednesday, April 30, 2025. The Introduction and Overview of the CIP recording of the recent webinar is now available.

Agencies are strongly encouraged to start preparations early and to take advantage of additional support activities while preparing their CIP. Access the CIP Plan Guide (Word Document) and resources from the CIP web page of the reporting site. By now it is expected that all agencies should have accessed the CIP web page and reviewed the Word Document.

Grant Award Amendments

Grant Award Amendments are due Friday, February 28, 2025, for agencies that recently received a revised Grant Award Notification (GAN). A signed GAN will be required to access the third quarter expenditure claim. Please review the Grant Award Amendment web page with the reporting site for complete information.

Occupational Information Network (O*NET) Project

The Occupational Information Network (O*NET) is seeking instructors of Adult Basic Education (ABE), Adult Secondary Education (ASE), and English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESL/ESOL) to provide input into job descriptions for these occupations.

More information about O*NET can be found here: and and in our communication dated January 13, 2025.

Financial Literacy Webinar for Adult Educators

Financial Literacy Across the Adult Education Spectrum

February 3, 2025

12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. PST

Audience: adult practitioners (for all adult learner populations)

Register for the webinar here .

This free workshop, offered by the Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center, explores the many needs for integrating financial literacy into instruction for all learners. For more information, see our recent communication dated January 13, 2025.

Steps to College 2025

Steps to College 2025, the largest bilingual & binational university fair in Northern California opens at nine a.m. on Saturday, February 8, 2025, at Cal Expo, Buildings A and B, 1600 Exposition Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95815. For more information visit:

If you have any questions, please contact the AEO at 916-322-2175, or by email at


Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D.
Education Administrator and State Director
Adult Education Office
California Department of Education

2025–26 Program Year Inquiry, a special message from DAEL, and other important updates (sent January 13, 2025)

2024–25 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Title II: Adult Education Family Literacy Act (AEFLA)

Dear Adult Educator:

This past week has been a challenging time for many adult education providers in California. Our thoughts and support are with each of you during this time. We encourage any agency needing additional support to reach out to the Adult Education Office (AEO) when they are able. Local networking and collaboration are strongly encouraged to meet the needs of colleagues, students, and their local communities. Our office continues to actively monitor emergency conditions and remains committed to providing support and assistance.

This message includes the following topics:

  • A special message from DAEL Director, LaToya Newson
  • 2025–26 Program Year Inquiry
  • Second Quarter Deliverables
  • ECR Help Desk
  • Continuous Improvement Plan
  • Grant Award Amendments for 2024–25
  • Occupational Information Network (O*NET) Project
  • Financial Literacy Webinar for Adult Educators
  • Steps to College 2025

A special message from DAEL Director, LaToya Newson

The AEO has received a special message from Director La Toya Newson, Division of Adult Education and Literacy (DAEL) that I would like to share with you.

Dear Dr. Zachary,

I am deeply saddened to hear about the tragedy your state is experiencing at this time. I cannot imagine how difficult this must be for you and the great state of California, but please know that I care about you and the welfare of the communities, staff, and students in Los Angeles. Although we are many miles apart, the adult education community is tight knit. To see the devastation on the news is heart wrenching. I can only imagine the challenges faced by you, your staff, students, educators, and administrators as they navigate this difficult time. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and those directly impacted by this tragic situation.

Best Regards,
Latoya Newson, Director, Division of Adult Education and Literacy (DAEL)
Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE)
U.S. Department of Education

2025–26 Program Year Inquiry

The 2025–26 Program Year Inquiry is now available and is due January 31, 2025. Access this one-time inquiry from the Survey web page of the reporting site. An agency response is requested to support this work and directly impacts your award notifications. Failure to reply timely could result in a delayed ability to spend funds for next year until an amendment is processed. The estimated time to complete this inquiry is less than five minutes.

Neither a signature nor an approval is required when responding, but it is recommended that the inquiry be completed by your agency’s Adult Education Director or a staff member with the OAR Role of an Approver or OAR Admin.

Second Quarter Deliverables

Expenditure Claim Reports (ECR) for the second quarter due to the California Department of Education (CDE) by Friday, January 31, 2025.

All second quarter data deliverables, surveys, and training are also due Friday, January 31, 2025. For further information, please visit the WIOA, Title II: AEFLA Grant Information 2024–25 web page.

ECR Help Desk

The AEO is shifting its virtual support office hours this month to focus specifically on WIOA expenditure claims. On January 21 and 28, 2025, AEO staff will be available to answer questions that may impede the completion of a claim or to aid with the ECR application within the reporting site. The ECR Help Desk will open at 1:00 p.m. and will remain open for 10 minutes or until all ECR-related questions have been answered. A virtual meeting link will be sent by email the morning of each session for those seeking ECR support.

Continuous Improvement Plan

It is time to begin planning for your agency’s Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) which is due Wednesday, April 30, 2025. Online resources are available and will continue to be added in the coming weeks. Agencies are strongly encouraged to start early and to take advantage of additional support activities while preparing their CIP. Access the CIP Plan Guide (Word Document) and resources from the CIP web page of the reporting site.

Grant Award Amendments for 2024–25

Grant Award amendments are expected to be released no later than January 24, 2025. Funding results will be uploaded to the 2024–25 WIOA, Title II: AEFLA Grant Information Page and agencies receiving an amendment can expect an email notification when files are available for download.

Most agencies are expected to receive an amendment which will be reflected in the Third Quarter ECR. Additional funding is not a guarantee and is at the discretion of the state. Please refer to the July 2024, letter, issued with your Grant Award Notification 2024 for additional information.

Occupational Information Network (O*NET) Project

The Occupational Information Network (O*NET) is seeking instructors of Adult Basic Education (ABE), Adult Secondary Education (ASE), and English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESL/ESOL) to provide input into job descriptions for these occupations. Job descriptions are included in a national database that is used by millions of employers, workers, educators, and students across the country.

O*NET has asked the National Association of State Directors of Adult Education (NASDAE) to recruit adult education instructors to assist with the collection of current and essential occupational information related to adult education instruction. To assist in this effort, share this simple form, AE Instructor Contact Info for O*NET, with your instructional staff and ask that those interested provide their name and contact information. This will help to ensure that California adult educators can assist in the development of current and accurate occupational descriptions for adult education instructors in the O*NET directory.

NASDAE will share the contact information submitted via this form with O*NET, who will then select a random sample to contact and request their participation in completing a set of questionnaires about their work. Responses from these experts will be combined by O*NET to define the activities, tasks, knowledge, and other aspects of work in the field. NASDAE has been assured by O*NET and the U.S. Department of Labor that participation is voluntary and that the information collected will be kept strictly private and confidential.

The adult educators who are selected and complete and return the O*NET questionnaires will be contributing to a key resource that provides important occupational information. O*NET will also offer them a $40 VISA gift code for their time and a certificate of appreciation from the U.S. Department of Labor.

More information about O*NET can be found here: and

Financial Literacy Webinar for Adult Educators

Financial Literacy Across the Adult Education Spectrum

February 3, 2025

12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. PST

Audience: adult practitioners (for all adult learner populations)

Register for the webinar here.

This free workshop, offered by the Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center, explores the many needs for integrating financial literacy into instruction for all learners. Our panelists work with learners across the adult education spectrum: pre-literacy English learners, English learners with higher levels of education, and ABE and ASE learners. They discuss takeaways from the Financial Literacy Institute offered through COABE, the various needs for financial literacy within their adult learner populations, and classroom applications and resources to support learners’ financial literacy goals.

  • Participants will come away from the session with an understanding of essential financial literacy topics and classroom applications.
  • Participants will engage in discussion about the many reasons that adult learners need financial literacy instruction that is relevant to their education, life, and career goals.
  • Participants will come away with resources and instructional strategies to integrated financial literacy concepts into their programming and instruction.

Steps to College 2025

Steps to College 2025, the largest bilingual & binational university fair in Northern California opens at nine a.m. on Saturday, February 8, 2025, at Cal Expo, Buildings A and B, 1600 Exposition Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95815. For more information visit:

If you have any questions, please contact the AEO at 916-322-2175, or by email at


Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D.
Education Administrator and State Director
Adult Education Office
California Department of Education

Kicking off 2025! Information and Updates (sent January 6, 2025)

2024–25 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Title II: Adult Education Family Literacy Act (AEFLA)

Dear Adult Educator:

We hope you had a fantastic winter break and are ready to dive into the second half of the program year with renewed energy and enthusiasm. The Adult Education Office (AEO) wants to give a huge shoutout for the incredible dedication you show to your students and staff every day.

As we step into this new year, we’re cheering you on for a strong finish filled with amazing accomplishments. Remember, you’ve got this! Welcome back and let’s make 2025 the best year yet!

Let’s take a closer look at some important items coming up in January and other noteworthy activities.

  • Second Quarter Expenditure Claims
  • January Deliverables
  • 2025–26 Program Year Inquiry
  • Payment Point Attestation Letters
  • Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)
  • Award Amendments for 2024–25
  • Steps to College 2025

Second Quarter Expenditure Claims

The Expenditure Claim Report (ECR) module for the second quarter is now open and second quarter claims are due to the California Department of Education (CDE) by Friday, January 31, 2025. Make any necessary budget updates within the claim and note any applicable justifications. Remember to update the budget column prior to entering an expenditure to reduce error messages. This is an electronic only deliverable.

January Deliverables

  • Second Quarter Data, TOPSpro® Enterprise
  • Second Quarter Data Integrity Report
  • California Accountability Training
  • CASAS Implementation Training
  • Employment and Earnings Follow-up Survey

For further information, please visit the WIOA, Title II: AEFLA Grant Information 2024–25 web page.

2024–25 Program Year Inquiry

The 2025–26 Program Year Inquiry will be released by mid-January and will be due at the end of January. The inquiry will be available from the Survey web page within the WIOA Navigation menu of the reporting site. An agency response is requested to support this work and directly impacts your award notifications. Failure to reply timely could result in a delayed ability to spend funds for next year until an amendment is processed.

Neither a signature nor an approval is required when responding, but it is recommended the inquiry be completed by your agency’s Adult Education Director or a staff member with the OAR Role of an Approver or OAR Admin.

Payment Point Attestation Letters

Payment Point Attestation Letter responses were due December 15, 2024. This deliverable plays an important part in future funding for your agency and provides transparency of the data match process. If your agency has questions regarding this process or if technical assistance is needed, please reach out to your Adult Education Regional Consultant to request further discussion. Adjustments for late discrepancies are disruptive to the funding process and create delays for all participants.

Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)

The CIP deliverable is required this year. Both the CIP Plan Guide (Word Document) and a recorded webinar are now available and can be accessed from the CIP web page within the WIOA Navigation menu of the OAR. Please plan to review the webinar and develop a list of questions. Dr. Zachry and OTAN staff are expecting to host a live Question and Answer session in late January or early February. Sign up for all CIP related webinars hosted by subject matter experts on the Professional Development Calendar. The CIP is due Wednesday, April 30, 2025.

Award Amendments for 2024–25

The AEO is awaiting final approvals for an amendment package to distribute carryover funding for the current year. Most agencies are expected to receive an amendment which will be reflected in the third quarter ECR. Additional funding is not a guarantee and is at the discretion of the state. Please refer to the July 2024, letter, issued with your Grant Award Notification 2024 for additional information.

Steps to College 2025

Have you remembered to save the date for Steps to College 2025 (STC), the largest bilingual & binational university fair in Northern California? The STC event opens at nine a.m. on Saturday, February 8, 2025, at Cal Expo, Buildings A and B, 1600 Exposition Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95815. For more information visit:

If you have any questions, please contact the AEO at 916-322-2175, or by email at


Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D.
Education Administrator and State Director
Adult Education Office


NAO Recordings now available (sent November 21, 2024)

2024–25 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (WIOA, Title II: AEFLA)

Dear Adult Education Administrator:

Materials and resources from the 2024 New Administrator Orientation (NAO) can be found through the Canvas Course (no login required) and from the Resources menu within the Adult Education Online Application and Reporting Site. All grantees are encouraged to check out the materials. Video recordings of the presentations are now available. Click the links for each session to find the recordings on the session page.

Agencies are encouraged to reference the NAO materials throughout the year and to share the information with new staff as a training tool during onboarding. The 2024 NAO materials will be available through late summer when the website is updated for the next event.


Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D.
Education Administrator and State Director
Adult Education Office
California Department of Education

Course Approval Requirements for CAEP and WIOA funded Adult Schools (sent November 13, 2024)

Dear Administrators of Adult Education Agencies:

The purpose of this communication is to reinforce the expectations regarding course approvals and to outline specific requirements for agencies receiving California Adult Education Program (CAEP) and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Education Family Literacy Act (WIOA, Title II: AEFLA) funding.

Course Approval requirement for K–12 and County Office of Education

The State Superintendent of Public Instruction is required to establish procedures for K–12 and County Office of Education adult schools to secure course and program approval (California Education Code Section 52506). The California Department of Education, Adult Education Office’s (AEO) Course Approval System is the way K–12 and County Office of Education adult schools secure course and program approval on an annual basis. This system is available within the California Adult Education Online Application and Reporting Site at (reporting site). A user login is required to access the site.

Please note the following:

  • Agencies are not required to submit course outlines when requesting course approval in the Course Approval System, but they must have current outlines on file and available during Federal Program Monitoring (FPM).
  • California school districts providing adult education must have their course outlines approved by their local boards.

Common Practice Procedures for other agency types

To ensure uniformity and common practices within California adult education, Community-Based Organizations, Faith-Based Organizations, Community College Districts, Institutions of Higher Education, Public Libraries, Correctional Institutions, and other non-Correctional Institutions must have the following procedures in place:

  • A course approval process for all courses offered to adult education students.
  • A process that reviews and authorizes the approval of course outlines. All outlines must be on file and available during FPM.
  • The course approval and course outlines processes, newly developed or continuing, must be authorized by two of the Primary Contacts identified within the Agency Contacts section of the reporting site. A signed memo, on file for FPM, to that effect will suffice— memo to include outline of approval process and two signatures.

Required Elements for Course Outline

Finally, course outlines for all classes offered to adult education students should include the following elements:

  • Goals and purpose of the course
  • Performance objectives or competencies
  • Instructional strategies
  • Units of study with approximate hours allotted for each unit
  • Evaluation procedures

If you have any questions regarding the above clarification, please contact your AEO Regional Consultant. For assistance identifying your contact please reach out to the AEO by email at


Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D.
Education Administrator and State Director
Adult Education Office
California Department of Education


IET Webinar November 6, 2024 (sent October 22, 2024)

2024–25 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (WIOA, Title II: AEFLA)

Dear Section 243 funded Adult Education Directors:

Please join CALPRO for the upcoming Administrators Forum Webinar:

Title: Integrated Education and Training (IET) and Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE) Guidance and Support

Date/Time: Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 9 to 10:30 a.m.

This 90-minute webinar will provide guidance and support to California adult education administrators and leaders on IET and IELCE policy, planning, and practice. The webinar will feature:

  • Dr. Carolyn Zachry and Dr. Cory Rayala from the California Department of Education with an overview, guidance, and additional information on the IET/IELCE policy.
  • Lori Howard from CASAS to present on the IELCE planning process and updates.
  • CALPRO IET subject matter experts, Amy Dalsimer and Sudie Whalen, to discuss high-quality IET program design, CALPRO resources, and Professional Development.

Register here for this webinar. For more information about CALPRO events, please visit the CalPro Professional Development Events Calendar.


The CALPRO Project Team
Phone: 916-286-8803

2024–25 First Quarter Deliverables (sent October 3, 2024)

2024–25 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Title II: Adult Education Family Literacy Act (AEFLA)

Dear Adult Education Administrators:

It’s hard to believe but we are one quarter of the way through the program year! The start of October means several grant deliverables are due in a few weeks and the details are outlined below. The Adult Education Office (AEO) encourages all grantees to check out the New Administrator Orientation resources provided at this year’s event. Presentation recordings are expected to be available at the end of October.

Here are some important updates to share as we jump into October:

  • Grant Award Notifications and Grant Budgets
  • First Quarter Expenditure Claims
  • Other First Quarter Deliverables
  • AEO Office Hours – First Quarter

Grant Award Notifications and Grant Budgets

Grant Award Notifications (GAN) and Grant Budgets are past due. If your agency has not yet submitted these deliverables, please do so now. If you have a reason for these being past due and need more time, contact your consultant.

First Quarter Expenditure Claims

The First Quarter Expenditure Claim (ECR) module is expected to open on Thursday, October 3, 2024. First quarter claims are due by Thursday, October 31, 2024. Grantees must have submitted their GAN and have an approved Budget on file to begin their claim.

What’s new in the ECR?

The ECR Guidelines have been restructured and updated. Grantees should review the document before beginning their claim. Also, the updated Budget Narrative has been carried into the ECR application and the PDF file has been reformatted to display the descriptions of each Resource Code separately, allowing for more space and text within each box.

While a budget revision in the first quarter is unexpected, the ECR includes the ability to make changes to the budgeted amounts of object codes in each Resource Code. If needed, update the budget column prior to entering expenditures to reduce error messages. Additional guidance with using the claim and budget applications is available in the Resources section of the Adult Education Online Application and Reporting Site.

Other First Quarter Deliverables

  1. First Quarter Data, TOPSpro® Enterprise
  2. California English Literacy and Civics Education Objectives and Additional Assessment Plans (COAAP)
  3. First Quarter Data Integrity Report
  4. Employment and Earnings Follow-up Survey

These electronic only deliverables are due Thursday, October 31, 2024. For further information, please visit the California Department of Education (CDE) WIOA, Title II: AEFLA Grant Information 2024–25 web page.

Upcoming action items are also located within the WIOA Dashboard on the reporting site. For deliverables reflecting missing or incorrect dates, please contact the appropriate agency listed in the “Submit To” for correction.

AEO Office Hours – First Quarter

As our Summer Office Hours pilot was so well attended, the AEO is bringing back three sessions in October which coincide with deliverables due in the First Quarter. This drop-in, no registration required, virtual meeting provides agencies an opportunity to receive extra support with state or federal funded adult education activities. All agencies with general questions, or those who just want to listen, are encouraged to drop in for AEO Office Hours on:

October 15, 22, and 29 at 1 p.m.

Meeting links will be distributed by email the morning of each session.

The AEO recognizes the hours of dedicated support you provide your students and adult education programs. If we can provide further support or address any questions, please contact our office by email at or by phone at (916) 322-2175.


Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D.
Education Administrator and State Director
Adult Education Office
California Department of Education


*Updated* Clarification regarding Integrated Education and Training (IET) under Section 243 (sent September 25, 2024)

2024–25 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (WIOA, Title II: AEFLA)

Yesterday’s communication had an important paragraph that was inadvertently left out. The following text includes the full message, with an added note under the second list. The At-A-Glance guide has not changed.

Dear Administrators of Adult Education Agencies:

The purpose of this communication is to provide clarification regarding Integrated Education and Training (IET) for agencies receiving Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Education Family Literacy Act (WIOA, Title II: AEFLA) Section 243 funding.

IET is a service delivery model that provides adult education activities concurrently and contextually with workforce preparation activities and workforce training. “Concurrently and contextually” means that, within the overall scope of the Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE) program, adult education, workforce preparation, and workforce training activities must:

  • Be of sufficient intensity and quality, and based on the most rigorous research available
  • Use occupationally relevant instructional materials
  • Occur simultaneously

After reviewing the IELCE Reports and Plans submitted by agencies in 2023–24, the Adult Education Office (AEO) has deemed it necessary to refine the designation of certain introductory courses discovered in these reports. Effective immediately, the AEO will consider the following courses as workforce preparation:

  • Computer Basics or Computers for English as a Second Language (ESL)
  • Vocational ESL (Digital Literacy)
  • Financial Literacy
  • Bridge Courses
  • Google Suites
  • Microsoft Office
  • Keyboarding
  • First Aid/Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 10
  • Career Readiness: soft skills, e.g., job preparation, job seeking skills, interviewing skills

Note: The above list of introductory courses identified as workforce preparation is a non-exhaustive list. The AEO may identify other introductory courses proposed in future IELCE Reports and Plans.

Action Needed: If your 2023–24 IELCE Report and Plan included these courses under workforce training, please reach out to your CASAS Specialist to make the necessary adjustments to your report and plan.

Please reference the California Department of Education’s IET At-A-Glance guide to inform agencies on additional criteria for review and approval of IELCE reports and plans beginning 2024–25.

If you have any questions regarding the above clarification, please contact your AEO Regional Consultant. For assistance identifying your contact please reach out to the AEO by email at or by phone at 916-322-2175.


Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D.
Education Administrator and State Director
Adult Education Office
California Department of Education

Adult Education and Family Literacy Week; EARN Webinar Updates and More! (sent September 17, 2024)

2024–25 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (WIOA, Title II: AEFLA)

Dear Adult Education Administrator:

It is National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week! Once a year, educators from all over the country join with adult learners, community partners, business leaders, legislators, and friends of adult education to amplify their successes! The Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE) has developed a calendar of activities, resources, and so much more for agency use. Check out the materials and join the Adult Education Office (AEO) as we celebrate Adult Education and Family Literacy Week.

Here are some other timely activities happening this week:

Enhancing Access for Refugee and New American Webinar Update

Last week we sent out information for the Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans (EARN) webinar. The event organizers have notified us of a date correction. The event is set for September 19, 2024, and there is still time to sign up!

A Guide to Using an Immigrant Integration Approach in Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE)

This webinar will encourage participants to consider how to use the new guide to improve understanding of immigrant integration and how the approach can improve outcomes for multilingual and immigrant learners.

Preview the guide and bring your questions or learn about the guide with the EARN project team!

Title: Using an Immigrant Integration Approach in IELCE
Time: September 19, 2024, from 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. ET/11 a.m. – 12 p.m. PT

Register now!

Grant Budgets were due September 15

Grant Budgets were due September 15, 2024. If this is the date reflected in your reporting site account, please submit your Grant Budget now.

Regional extensions have been issued for agencies experiencing emergency conditions due to wildfires.

Due Date Compliance and Extension Requests

You may have noticed an emphasis on compliance in our recent email communications. We have received your feedback and continue to look for ways to support your concerns in this area. You will soon see due date updates when claims and budgets have been returned for revision. In these situations, agencies will have three days to complete revisions and resubmit.

Meeting an extended due date is preferred to being late on an original due date.

While submitting a deliverable on time helps to maintain a good standing status, and compliance with the regulations, terms, and conditions of the grant award, the AEO recognizes that meeting a deliverable due date is not always possible. In these situations, agencies should email their AEO Regional Consultant to request an extension. Include the proposed specific date to extend the deadline, the reason(s) for the extension, and what steps will be taken by your agency to meet the proposed deadline.

New Administrator Orientation

Last week the AEO hosted over two hundred registered attendees for our virtual New Administrator Orientation (NAO) 2024 event. Session recordings will be posted in four to six weeks. Registered attendees are encouraged to complete the daily evaluations to assist with preparation for next year’s event.

Access session materials, links, evaluations, and other helpful resources through the NAO 2024 Resources. Event materials are beneficial as a refresher to returning staff and provide helpful onboarding material for those who are new.

If you have any questions regarding this message, please reach out to the AEO by telephone at 916-322-2175 or by email at


Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D.
Education Administrator and State Director
Adult Education Office
California Department of Education

Grant Budgets, EARN Webinar, Intake Survey and More! (sent September 10, 2024)

2024–25 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (WIOA, Title II: AEFLA)

Dear Adult Education Administrator:

With the program year in full swing, we continue to celebrate the incredible work that you do in the field of Adult Education. Your dedication to helping learners achieve their goals and make a positive impact on their communities is truly inspiring. This communication includes an update for two grant deliverables; as well as some added resources available in our field.

This email contains the following information:

  1. Grant Award Notifications
  2. Grant Budget is due September 15
  3. Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans Webinar
  4. Profile Updates via Outreach and Technical Assistance Network Membership
  5. 2024–25 Student Intake Survey
  6. New Administrator Orientation

Grant Award Notifications

Signed Grant Award Notification (GAN) documents were due August 31, 2024. If you have not already signed and returned your GAN through the Adult Education Online Application and Reporting website (reporting site), please do so now. Remember to drop the original hard copy in the mail to the California Department of Education (CDE).

If your agency has not yet returned its signed GAN, or requested a due date extension, this grant requirement is considered overdue. Requesting an extension helps to maintain a good standing status for this grant. Agencies in a good standing status submit all deliverables in a timely manner and demonstrate compliance with all federal and state requirements. We recognize that some factors such as the next regular school board meeting, or emergency situations such as wildfires, may be outside your control. Communication with the Adult Education Office (AEO) lets us know you are working towards meeting the grant requirements but need an adjustment for such factors.

Agencies still awaiting an amendment to their initial GAN can expect to receive their updated GAN very soon. Those amendments are pending final approvals, and the AEO will reach out to your agency’s Adult Education Director by email when your GAN is ready.

Agencies with administrative issues will need to clear up the item before a GAN may be released. If you do not see a file loaded in your account and your agency is unaware of any pending issues, please reach out to our office for additional information.

Grant Budget is due September 15

The Grant Budget deliverable is due by Sunday, September 15, 2024. This is an electronic only deliverable; a hardcopy is not required. If you are unable to meet this due date, please reach out to your Regional Program Consultant to request an extension. Include the proposed specific date to extend the deadline, the reason(s) for the extension, and what steps your agency will take to meet the proposed deadline. New administrators with questions about preparing a budget or entering the information in the online module will find helpful information and step by step guidance in the Resources document, WIOA Navigating the Grant Budget.

Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans Webinar

Celebrate Adult Education and Family Literacy Week with the Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans (EARN) project! Join a webinar on September 17, 2024, to dive into EARN's new resource, A Guide to Using an Immigrant Integration Approach in Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE).

This webinar will encourage participants to consider how to use the new guide to improve understanding of immigrant integration and how the approach can improve outcomes for multilingual and immigrant learners.

Preview the guide and bring your questions or learn about the guide with the EARN project team!

Title: Using an Immigrant Integration Approach in IELCE
Time: September 17, 2024, from 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. ET/11 a.m. – 12 p.m. PT

Register now!

Profile Updates via Outreach and Technical Assistance Network Membership

Is the name of your organization showing up blank when registering for classes through the Professional Development Calendar? You can fix that! To update the Agency Name on your Outreach and Technical Assistance (OTAN) Membership, please go to the OTAN website at Select the "Join OTAN / Login" link in the upper left area of the screen. Login to your account with your email address and password. Select the "My Account Details" link from the left menu, and then select the "Edit Membership Details" button at the bottom of the page. Update the value in the Agency Name text box and select the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the page."

2024–25 Student Intake Survey

Are you looking for your agency’s annual Student Intake Survey results? The 2024–25 updates were released in July and are located within the Survey dashboard of the reporting site.

New Administrator Orientation

For those registered for New Administrator Orientation 2024, you should have received two notifications regarding course materials and the virtual meeting link by email. We are looking forward to sharing more about the WIOA, Title II: AEFLA grant with you and encourage you to access the course materials in advance of the event. It will be a very full but informative session.

If you have any questions regarding this message, please reach out to the AEO by telephone at 916-322-2175 or by email at


Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D.
Education Administrator and State Director
Adult Education Office
California Department of Education


Important Reminders and Updates for 2024–25 (sent August 14, 2024)

2024–25 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (WIOA, Title II: AEFLA)

Dear Adult Education Administrator:

Here are a few important activities to share with you. This email contains the following information:

  1. Grant Award Notifications and Grant Award Letter
  2. 2024–25 Program and Accountability Requirements
  3. Budget Narrative Updates
  4. AEO Office Hours for August and September
  5. Register for New Administrator Orientation

Grant Award Notifications and Grant Award Letter

The Adult Education Office (AEO) would like to remind agencies that Grant Award Notifications (GAN) are available electronically through the Adult Education Online Application and Reporting website (reporting site). If you do not see a file loaded in your account and your agency is unaware of any pending issues, please reach out to our office for additional information.

In addition to accessing your GAN, please take a moment to download the Grant Award Letter from Dr. Zachry. The letter dated July 2024 provides additional information regarding the structure of payment points, corresponding values, and subsidies issues this program year.

GANs are to be returned through the reporting site by August 31, 2024. Drop the original hard copy in the mail to the California Department of Education (CDE). We are processing GAN on a regular basis and appreciate all the files that have been returned so far. Thank you!

2024–25 Program and Accountability Requirements

The Program and Accountability Requirements, including due dates for upcoming deliverables, is expected to post later this week on the WIOA, Title II: AEFLA Grant Information 2024–25 web page. Please note, the Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE) Report and Plan has been moved to March. This change is intended to reduce the number of deliverables due in April and avoid competing with the Continuous Improvement Plan. Please review the requirements and support pages for full program year details.

Budget Narrative Updates

Over the past few years, the AEO has noticed an increase in expenditure errors discovered during monitoring visits. Often, a more detailed Budget Narrative, connecting the Resource Code to the Object Code expenditures, would have exposed the error during the claim review process. Updates to the Budget Narrative in the reporting site were made to capture this Resource Code specification, and to avoid errors resulting in fund recovery in the future.

The 2024–25 Budget now requires the user to enter narrative details by Object Code and Resource Code. Previously entries were made only by Object Code. The budget application is set up to accept four Object Codes for each of the four Resource Codes, depending on where dollar amounts have been budgeted. Training resources will be updated soon to reflect these changes.

AEO Office Hours for August

The AEO will hold virtual drop-in Office Hours on August 20 and 27 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. No registration is required. The link for the August sessions will be sent out the morning of August 20 and again the morning of August 27 to WIOA grantees.

Staff will be available to address general programmatic and fiscal questions for WIOA and the California Adult Education Program (CAEP); including the Program and Accountability Requirements and supporting documents. Additionally, we will be able to screen share the budget application to address any questions regarding the updated budget narrative section or any general budget questions.

Register for New Administrator Orientation

The 2024 New Administrator Orientation (NAO) registration is open. This direct link will open the registration page on the CA Professional Development calendar.

If you have any questions regarding this message, please reach out to the AEO by telephone at 916-322-2175 or by email at


Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D.
Education Administrator and State Director
Adult Education Office
California Department of Education

Registration for New Administrator Orientation is Now Open!

2024–25 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (WIOA, Title II: AEFLA)

Dear Adult Education Administrator:


This is to inform you that registration for the 2024 New Administrator Orientation (NAO) is open.

This training will provide an overview of the WIOA, Title II: AEFLA grant implementation requirements and available resources for grantees.

The orientation is intended for new grantees and new staff of continuing agencies who have been in their position for less than three years including:

  • Adult Education Administrators
  • Principals
  • Supervisor level staff
  • individuals directly supporting grant administrative activities.

The online event will be held over three days September 10-12, 2024.

Registration is only required once for all three dates. This direct link will open the registration page on the CA Professional Development calendar. Please use your district email address to register and fill out the “membership” form if directed.

The schedule for each day, including the link to the online platform (Zoom), will be contained within the registration confirmation.

We look forward to seeing you at the 2024 NAO.

Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D.
Education Administrator and State Director
Adult Education Office

WIOA 2024–25 Grant Award Notifications and Cert Letters (sent August 2, 2024)

2024–25 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (WIOA, Title II: AEFLA)

Dear Adult Education Administrator:

The Adult Education Office (AEO) is pleased to announce the release of funding for the 2024–25 Program Year. Additional details are outlined below. We have included other time sensitive updates to share with you in this message as well. The AEO will continue to send notifications and resources as they become available.

This email contains the following information:

  1. Grant Award Notifications
  2. Due Date Change: Official Payment Point Certification Letter
  3. Welcome Back Video

Grant Award Notifications

WIOA, Title II: AEFLA 2024–25 funding results posted to the California Department of Education (CDE) website on July 19, 2024. Program and Accountability Requirements, including due dates for upcoming deliverables, will be available soon on the WIOA, Title II: AEFLA Grant Information 2024–25 web page. Grant Award Notifications (GAN) have been released and are now available electronically through the Adult Education Online Application and Reporting website (reporting site).

Agencies in good standing will find a file available for immediate download. Agencies with administrative issues will need to clear the issue before a GAN may be released. If you do not see a file loaded in your account and your agency is unaware of any pending issues, please reach out to our office for additional information.

GANs are to be returned through the reporting site by August 31, 2024. Drop the original hard copy in the mail to the CDE.

Action Steps:

  1. Read the directions on the GAN webpage of the reporting site.
  2. Download and read the CDE Award Letter. This letter explains the process used in determining this year’s award amounts.
  3. Download and sign the GAN. A wet ink authorized signature is required, and the document may not be signed electronically.
  4. Scan, upload, and return the signed GAN in the reporting site by August 31, 2024. Drop the original in the mail to the CDE.
  5. The AEO will review and accept the signed GAN before providing access to the electronic budget. Be proactive – prepare your budget outside of the application. The Budget Instructions are available in PDF format through the Budget and Claim section of the reporting site.
  6. Review due dates for the GAN, Budget, and First Quarter Expenditure Claim Reports on the Deliverables Summary section of the reporting site.

Please reach out to your assigned AEO Fiscal Analyst if you have any questions about the grant award.

Due Date Change: Official Payment Point Certification Letter

The due date for the 2023–24 Official Payment Point Certification Letter has been extended to August 15, 2024. Letters are still being distributed and this extension provides time for review and response. If you have any questions on this matter, please contact your CASAS Specialist.

Welcome Back Video

Kick off the new year by sharing the 2024–25 Welcome Back Video with your adult education team! This short video is appropriate for ALL staff and will help start the school year in a positive, uplifting manner.

If you have any questions regarding this notification, or are unsure how to reach a designated individual, please reach out to the AEO by telephone at 916-322-2175 or by email at


Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D.
Education Administrator and State Director
Adult Education Office
California Department of Education


Welcome Back and Grant Awards (sent July 24, 2024)

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Title II: Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) 2024–25

Dear Adult Educators:

The Adult Education Office (AEO) officially welcomes you back as we kick off the 2024–25 program year. There are several important fiscal and programmatic items to share as we begin the second year of the WIOA grant cycle. Including in this message are the following:

  • Funding Results and Grant Award Notifications
  • Budget Narrative Updates
  • Welcome Back – 2024 Video
  • 2023–24 End-of-Year Requirements
  • New Administrator Orientation: Save the Date
  • Reporting Site User Account Updates
  • AEO Open Office Hours

Funding Results and Grant Award Notifications

Final Award Results have posted to the 2024–25 WIOA Grant Information web page.

Currently, Grant Award Notifications (GAN) are expected to be available no later than July 29, 2024, through the California Adult Education Online Application and Reporting Site (reporting site). Staff are still performing technical and programming activities necessary to fully open the new year software modules. Agencies are encouraged to begin budget preparation activities outside of the reporting site while waiting.

GANs will be made available to agencies in good standing and in compliance with grant requirements. This includes but is not limited to responsiveness, meeting deliverable due dates, and having provided passing level responses for planning activities related to 2024–25. Agencies with recent revisions to their Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) and/or IELCE Report for Section 243, may find their deliverable is still under review. In this case, the GAN will not be immediately available and will be posted once the review is complete. Other agency specific issues may also impact the release of a GAN.

Additional conditions may be imposed pursuant to 2 CFR 200.208.

Budget Narrative Updates

Over the past few years, the AEO has noticed an increase in expenditure errors discovered during monitoring visits. Often, a stronger narrative, which connected the resource code to the expenditure, would have exposed the error during the claim review process. Updates to the Budget Narrative were made to capture additional details and avoid errors resulting in fund recovery in the future.

The 2024–25 Budget will require the user to enter narrative details by Object Code and Resource Code. Previously entries were made only by Object Code. Training resources will be updated soon to reflect these changes.

Agencies working on their Final Claim for 2023–24 will see a pop-up message asking the user to ensure Resource Code details were included in the narrative. Claims not including this information will be returned for additional details.

Welcome Back - 2024 Video

Dr. Carolyn Zachry has recorded a welcome back message appropriate for sharing with all staff providing support to WIOA, Title II activities. This short video is located on the Resources page of the reporting site or through this direct link Welcome Video. Please share it with your staff. Welcome back and let’s make it a great one!

2023–24 End-of-Year Requirements

2023–24 end-of-year requirements are available on the WIOA, Title II: AEFLA Grant Information 2023–24 web page. Deliverables not submitted by July 15, 2024, are considered overdue.

Data and documents due by August 1, 2024, include the following:

  1. Final Expenditure Claim Report (ECR)
  2. Official Payment Points Certification Letter

For agencies receiving ELL HealthCare funding, please make sure to report this one-time state funding on the state column of the Non-Federal Sources section of your ECR. Only report actual expenditures for AEFLA related activities.

Please contact your AEO Fiscal Analyst via email with questions regarding the final claim. Agencies are encouraged to visit an Open Office Hours session for additional assistance in this area.

New Administrator Orientation: Save the Date

The 2024 New Administrator Orientation (NAO) will be held September 10–12, 2024. NAO is for staff who have been in a position supporting WIOA adult education programs for two years or less. Registration will be released in early August. New staff onboarding this summer may be interested in accessing the 2023 NAO Resources website for a preview of this year’s training.

Reporting Site User Account Updates

Reporting site users with the role of OAR Admin are reminded to update all user account access, contact information, and Agency Contacts. Incoming users, such as new Adult Education Directors and Superintendents, will need access to the reporting site to download grant award information for year two of the grant cycle. Former staff should have their permissions removed. For additional guidance, check out the WIOA User Guide for OAR Admins in the Resources section of the reporting site. The estimated time to complete this important activity is less than 15 minutes.

AEO Open Office Hours

We continue to experience strong attendance at our AEO Open Office Hours via Teams. We will continue to be available on Tuesdays in July for drop-in questions. No registration is required. The repeating meeting link will be resent by email before our next session on July 30, 2024. We encourage all agencies to attend, but especially welcome new agencies and staff seeking confirmation that they are on the right track. As reporting and responsiveness to grant requirements can be detailed, our goal is to ensure you are set up for success.

If you have any questions, please contact the AEO by email at or by telephone at 916-322-2175.


Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D.
Education Administrator and State Director
Adult Education Office
California Department of Education