CDE Announcements Archive
Course Approval Requirements for CAEP and WIOA funded Adult Schools (sent November 13, 2024)
Dear Administrators of Adult Education Agencies:
The purpose of this communication is to reinforce the expectations regarding course approvals and to outline specific requirements for agencies receiving California Adult Education Program (CAEP) and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Education Family Literacy Act (WIOA, Title II: AEFLA) funding.
The State Superintendent of Public Instruction is required to establish procedures for K–12 and County Office of Education adult schools to secure course and program approval (California Education Code Section 52506). The California Department of Education, Adult Education Office’s (AEO) Course Approval System is the way K–12 and County Office of Education adult schools secure course and program approval on an annual basis. This system is available within the California Adult Education Online Application and Reporting Site at (reporting site). A user login is required to access the site.
Please note the following:
- Agencies are not required to submit course outlines when requesting course approval in the Course Approval System, but they must have current outlines on file and available during Federal Program Monitoring (FPM).
- California school districts providing adult education must have their course outlines approved by their local boards.
To ensure uniformity and common practices within California adult education, Community-Based Organizations, Faith-Based Organizations, Community College Districts, Institutions of Higher Education, Public Libraries, Correctional Institutions, and other non-Correctional Institutions must have the following procedures in place:
- A course approval process for all courses offered to adult education students.
- A process that reviews and authorizes the approval of course outlines. All outlines must be on file and available during FPM.
- The course approval and course outlines processes, newly developed or continuing, must be authorized by two of the Primary Contacts identified within the Agency Contacts section of the reporting site. A signed memo, on file for FPM, to that effect will suffice— memo to include outline of approval process and two signatures.
Finally, course outlines for all classes offered to adult education students should include the following elements:
- Goals and purpose of the course
- Performance objectives or competencies
- Instructional strategies
- Units of study with approximate hours allotted for each unit
- Evaluation procedures
If you have any questions regarding the above clarification, please contact your AEO Regional Consultant. For assistance identifying your contact please reach out to the AEO by email at
Carolyn Zachry, Ed.D.
Education Administrator and State Director
Adult Education Office
California Department of Education