Training and Videos

Federal Program Monitoring Program (FPM) Adult Education Office Instrument Training 2024‒25 (Part 1: Pre-recorded Video)

Description: The California WIOA, Title II: AEFLA FPM Program Instrument Training provides participants with an understanding of the CDE’s Adult Education (AE) Program Instrument, a tool used to ensure agencies receiving WIOA Title II – AEFLA funds are in compliance with federal, and where applicable, state law. This training is designed to provide participants with a thorough understanding of all ten items and evidence requests agencies will be expected to know and upload into the CDE Monitoring Tool (CMT) during federal program monitoring reviews in 2024 – 25. Participants are required to view this pre-recorded video before attending the live Question and Answer sessions (Part 2).

Key elements of this session include:

  • understanding compliance monitoring process
  • deep dive of the ten AE Program Instrument items
  • review of each evidence request that agencies are required to upload into the CDE Monitoring Tool (CMT)
  • understanding specific dates and timeframes of which agency staff should be aware
  • understanding findings and resolution process

Intended Audience: Administrators of the adult education program, staff who track and oversee data, and those who will be responsible for uploading fiscal information during the monitoring review should view the training. Only agencies selected for this year’s review (2024-25) can participate in this training.

Presenters: Dr. Carolyn Zachry, CDE Adult Education State Director, Abygail Medina Lewis and David Stang, CDE Education Program Consultants.

Note: CDE Monitoring Tool (CMT) training is a separate training, and will not be addressed during Adult Education Instrument training.

Resources and Links:

Federal Program Monitoring Program (FPM) Adult Education Office Instrument Training 2024‒25 (Part 2: Live Question and Answer Webinar)

This interactive three-hour session provides participants with the opportunity to discuss topics covered in Part 1 (Federal Program Monitoring Program (FPM) Adult Education Instrument Training 2024-25 Pre-recorded video). Agencies will have approximately two weeks to view Part 1 and develop questions for a live question and answer. During this webinar, all inquiries related to instrument items, individual evidence requests, agency responsibilities during the review, and the review process will be addressed. Webinar participants will also have an opportunity to hear from two agencies that were reviewed last year. Guest presenters will share their FPM experience as well as share strategies for a successful review.


Intended Audience: Administrators of the adult education program, staff who track and oversee data, and those who will be responsible for uploading fiscal information during the monitoring review should register for this Live Q&A session. Only agencies selected for this year’s review (2024-25) can participate and must have viewed the pre-recorded video before attending this Q&A webinar.


Abygail Medina Lewis and David Stang (CDE, Education Program Consultants)
Guest Speakers (TBA)