2023–27 Request for Applications, WIOA, Title II: AEFLA
Applicants notified by the CDE that they have passed the Eligibility Screening are invited to apply online for AEFLA funding using the web-based application. Eligible individual providers and consortia must submit all relevant forms, responses to considerations 1 through 12, and the projected enrollment table online on or before 5:00 p.m. on December 15, 2022.
2023–2027 New Agency Inquiry for WIOA, Title II: AEFLA
Hello and welcome! This web page is for select agencies who recently progressed to the next portion of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title II: Adult Education and Family Literacy Act funding process for the 2023–2027 grant cycle.
California Adult Education Agencies
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Support is available by phone weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pacific time at (916) 228-2580, or by email using our contact form.
CDE Announcements
Upcoming CIP Events
We understand that many of you are diligently working on your Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP). As a friendly reminder, the CIP is due on April 30, 2025.... Read More from Upcoming CIP Events -
Second Quarter Deliverables are due Friday
California continues to face challenges with weather, fire, and other demanding situations. The Adult Education Office (AEO) remains committed to providing support and assistance through the long journey of fire recovery for both administrators, students, and their families.... Read More from Second Quarter Deliverables are due Friday -
2025–26 Program Year Inquiry, a special message from DAEL, and other important updates
This past week has been a challenging time for many adult education providers in California. Our thoughts and support are with each of you during this time.... Read More from 2025–26 Program Year Inquiry, a special message from DAEL, and other important updates
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